Dear Diary: Starting the day with a gift ! | @creativecornercrafts

A gift is just a way to show either Love or appreciation or emportance to others. Best gifts are those that come with no occasion. Just like the gift I got today !
Creative Corner Crafts, a home business by a wonderful Kuwaiti girl, who kindly sent me a floral basket that reminded me of my bakery; Sugar Box, filled with Bonjoom chocolate bars that also reminded me of my upcoming project BoNjoom.
I loved everything about it. The colors,  the idea, the craftiness of it… and most of all the thought itself.
All I can say is thank you from the heart. Love it !
here are some shots:





Check out their instagram account for more creative ideas & products: @creativecornercrafts

P.S Sweet people always manage to give such sweet things !

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