Dear Diary: A “Pretty in Pink” sneak peek | @prettyinpinkq8

Designer Manayer Alomar, my beautiful friend, has launched her Ramadan collection for Pretty in Pink. As always her collection is creative, unique & feminine.
Beautiful selouets, lovely fabrics & summery warm colors
Here are some shots of the collection:
-Spinel Diamond Caftan.
Three beautiful colors combined to create the perfect summer caftan, with simple yet chic details.

-Arabian Princess Caftan
Just like an Arabian night, this caftan tells a story of an Arabian princess. Silk, soft fabric with gold embroidered details.


-Golden Sands Caftan
Golden Silk with beautiful details to give you a beautiful selouet & a feminine touch.


For more Details & more collection follow on Instagram @prettyinpinkq8

P.S There will be an exhibition in Ramadhan en shaa Allah more details will be revealed soon !

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